I.S.L.A. Indelible Silver Linings Academy is a non-profit organization that partners with AfriCajun to provide programs such as Positive Youth Development (PYD) program and Young Healthy Entrepreneurs (YHE) for adolescent /pubescent girls/boys as part of our risk avoidance strategies to help participants build healthy life skills and protective factors that mitigate the impact of past and future negative factors.

We teach youth basic life skills and entrepreneurship through mentorship

  • Virtual Field-trips and Collaboration opportunities with local and state agencies.
  • Internships
  • Wellness - Holistic Health Approach (art therapy, music, creative writing, nutrition, physical education)
  • STEM Focused Program for TOTS- 0-6yr (early education): gardening, planetarium, science experiments, math, innovative design, architect , observatory  field trips/lessons.